NEW Transnational meeting in Romania

IRELAND (January 2017)
Teacher training meeting.
The week began with an introduction to Drama in Education. Mrs Blennerhasset, the 4th class teacher, and Ms Yates spoke about how lessons are structured, demonstrating a variety of warm up games and explaining teaching methodologies used in Drama lessons. Later that day, they observed 3rd class participating in a Drama lesson. That lesson focused on teaching a History story through drama, exploring the plotline and character’s feelings using Freeze Frame and Thought Tracking Strategies.
These meetings will take place at the beginning and at the end of the project.
Turkey, October 2016. Partners will set a detailed programme of activities.
Romania, May 2018. Participants will evaluate the project.
The calendar andtopics for these meetings are:
Ireland: January 2017, drama skills.
Poland: March 2017, independence and communication skills.
Italy: May 2017, new technologies skills.
Scotland: September 2017, mathematical skills.
Spain: December 2017, entrepeneurship skills.
Italy: March 2018, creative skills.

Kildare Place School
(Dublin, Ireland).
January 23rd-27th.

Teachers training meeting in Ireland (January 2017).
Before our BEES visitors arrived, many of the classrooms had been working hard, and preparing for their visit by learning about the partner schools’ countries. 1st class were hosting Turkey, 2nd class had been learning about Italy, 3rd class did a project on Spain, 4th class were learning about Romania, 5th class researched Poland and 6th class found out about lots about Poland.

1st DAY.
Avril Bennett and Valerie Morton, who work on the school Special Needs Department, demonstrated co-operative learning strategies with small groups. In another activity, 6th class pupils paired up with their buddies in Junior Infants as they took part in a workshop of cooperative games. These activities included problem solving, obstacle courses, trust activities and jigsaw relays.
Ms Murray and Mr Murphy spoke to the visiting teachers about Aistear. This is a program based on structured play workshops implemented in Junior and Senior Infants. Each of the teachers observed an Aistear session in practice, and joined in with the pupils.
2nd DAY.
Mr Griffin in 1st class also uses Golden Time as an opportunity to develop pupils’ teamwork and communication skills. Each Friday, pupils enjoy different structured board games and activities in small groups. They were delighted to welcome the visiting teachers to join in with their co-operative games.
5th DAY.
Parents have prepared traditional and delicious lunch for visitors everyday. We would thank you all the people involved in cooking.
As well as the many group activities that are used in classrooms, we also often use co-operative games in Physical Education. 5th demonstrated a variety of co-operative, team based games used to develop orienteering games and map reading skills.
4th DAY.
Local authorities have received the teachers involved in the movility. The Irish school made a big effort to do it possible.
Mr Devlin, Ms Dunne and Mrs Morton demonstrated team teaching in 2nd class, in which pupils developed their literacy, independence and team work skills. Each group of pupils work at a station activity with a teacher for 10-15 minutes, before rotating to the next task.
6th Class have been very busy lately preparing for their performance of Beauty and the Beast. They performed a few scenes for the visiting teachers, as well as talking to them about all aspects of producing the play.
3rd DAY.