NEW Transnational meeting in Romania

ITALY (May 2017)
Teacher training meeting.
The participants in the meeting were welcomed by the headmistress of the school and the rest of the staff. They made a tour of the school and visited the global classrooms.
Later, Anna Troiano introduced Google Drive applications. Participants worked with My Drive and the trainer introduced Padlet to all of them.
Finally we saw an example of good practices. Teachers attended to a class to see how they work using padlet.com.
These meetings will take place at the beginning and at the end of the project.
Turkey, October 2016. Partners will set a detailed programme of activities.
Romania, May 2018. Participants will evaluate the project.
The calendar andtopics for these meetings are:
Ireland: January 2017, drama skills.
Poland: March 2017, independence and communication skills.
Italy: May 2017, new technologies skills.
Scotland: September 2017, mathematical skills.
Spain: December 2017, entrepeneurship skills.
Italy: March 2018, creative skills.

IC Pontecagnano
Sant'Antonio. Pontecagnano Faiano
May 8th-12th.

Teachers training meeting in Italy (May 2017).
In the fourth mobility of the project, two teachers from each country visited Pontecagnano, in Italy. The aim was learning New Technologies skills. The Italian partners prepared lots of interesting activities, but we also had time for intercultural exchange. Here we present a summary of the week.

The teachers developed their language sessions in their native language to Italian students.
the participants visited the secondary school to observe teaching in class 4.0.
Later, the trainer Anna Troiano explained how to use Photo hunting and Photo puzle using tablets and smart phones.
After that, we did a workshop on google photo to make a collage and a video.
During the evening we met the local authority and we participated in the event to celebrate 30 years of Erasmus.
2nd DAY.
In the morning, the participants took part in workshops and activities.
Then, the trainer Anna Troiano introduced LearningApps.org.
We practiced with Padlet.com, Google drive Apps and Calameo.
It was the last day, so we had a goodbye lunch with local officialities and certificates award ceremony.
5th DAY.
Parents have welcomed the teachers and they invited the participants to take part in 2 different school shows that children have prepared. They were very nice with all the foreign teachers.
Early in the morning, the participants had an introduction and workshop about Edmondo-teachers platform. The Italian school presented their school projects on this platform.
Then, the trainer Alfonso Palumbo demonstrated how to create videos and photo collages.
We also had a good practices session with the teacher Elena Granazio. She developed a science class using Kahoot.it.
4th DAY.
The mayor received the teachers involved in the mobility on Tuesday. He invited us to take part in a celebration for the 30 years of Erasmus. It was a small but nice detail with all of us.
In the morning, the participants visited a local dairy farm as an example of local entrepreneurship.
In the afternoon, we were presented the schoolCLIL project and the applications they use to work on it: Pliekers and Calameo.
Finally, we saw a good practice session with the observation of a CLIL class working with Calameo and Pliekers.
3rd DAY.

1st DAY.