NEW Transnational meeting in Romania


SPAIN http://erasmusplusarevacos.blogspot.com.es/
All schools have prepared Talent shows so that their students can improve their skills and creativity. These are the results (May, 2017).

Last week in KPS each class hosted their own talent show. The BEES Committee representatives explained to the classes what this show was about and encouraged their classmates to take part. The emphasis was on being creative, showing confidence and having fun. It can be scary to perform in front of people, but all of the participants were really brave and gave great performances. Following on from the class talent shows, a couple of acts from each class performed their talent in front of the whole school in assembly. These talent shows demonstrated the huge variety of skilled, talented and creative pupils in KPS. It was great fun, and all pupils supported each other brilliantly.
Moya 6th class ‘There were many amazing acts during the talent show, from dancing to wonderful pianists. Everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy the event!’
Beth 2nd class ‘In 2nd class we had people dancing, doing gymnastics and showing sport’s skills and sport’s fails. For example, Charlie was doing epic football fail, Nicole, Leah, Pippa and Patrick were doing gymnastics, Cian was singing and Emily and Faye were dancing.’
4th Class – We had lots of great talents in our talent show on Thursday. Nobody was too shy and everyone was brilliant. There was music, drama, singing and comedy performances. The acts included Ciarán who did amazing hip hop, Mara and Eva who sang different songs, Pearl who did a funny mime, and Louise, Ben, Ollie, Harry and Kevin who did a comedy sketch. Lots of people also played instruments such as the piano, flute and cello. It was great fun!
5th Class ‘5th class did their talent show on Thursday June 1st. We had many entries and 10 participants in total. Daniel’s magic act and the group dance were performed in assembly. The talent show was a great success and we had so much fun.’
3rd Class ‘In 3rd class we had an array of talents ranging from individual to group acts and included dancing, singing, original compositions, rugby skills, musicians, quizzes on capital cities, artist masterclasses and drama performances. There were very brave individuals overcoming nerves. Before Zack’s performance he confessed he was feeling very nervous but with tremendous encouragement from the class he strummed his way through and finished with a big smile on his face. Everyone in the class got involved and the creativity on show was amazing.’
Last week, Spanish students have done different performances during the breaks. Children have danced, read, done gymnastics, skated, cooked, played football... Here you have some photographs (June, 2017).

Polish students did their Talent Show in the last part of the year too (June, 2017).

The talent show took place in three locations: in the park, at school, at the county library.
In the park, the kids did a break dance show, kendama show. At school, some role-plays, gymnastics, cheerleading, singing, telling jokes. At the County Library, the children read their own creative writings and performed short plays of famous Romanian authors.

Just before Christmas our school hosted a Kilbowie has got talent show. Each class hosted auditions in their class and selected the best act to go through to the final show. Every class took part from Primary 1 to Primary 7. The whole school gathered in the assembly hall to watch the performances and the show was hosted by the head teacher. The acts performed in front of over 300 children and adults. We had several different acts including singing, dancing, Scottish dancing, magic tricks and some children played instruments. The school thoroughly enjoyed this and cheered on every act. It took a lot of courage for all of the children to perform to such a large audience. The audience were great and would join in by singing or clapping when they were allowed. We ended the talent show on a high by the whole school singing Let It Go. This performance showed a sense of community and allowed everyone to come together for a special occasion. Instead of selecting one winner all of the children were awarded personalised certificates. (December, 2017).