NEW Transnational meeting in Romania




Spanish students ot the 3rd class visiter a bakery to interview its owners. They asked questions about their job and learnt how the process to make bread work. It was a very interesting activity for all of them. Here we leave you some photographs (February, 2018).

SPAIN http://erasmusplusarevacos.blogspot.com.es/

Romanian students were given the chance to take part in Job Shadowing activities in a diary products factory, an apple juice factory, a winery or a PVC processor of materials for installations and constructions market company. They had the opportunity to experience a day of work with employees and leaders from local companies and ask them several questions about their profession. Moreover, the activity gave the children the chance to: observe functions and duties of a particular career, tour the facilities, review organization’s mission/vision statement and organizational charts, understand office policies and procedures, review current trends in the profession, explore potential career paths within the organization and the profession, meet with key players of the organization (February, 2018).

Irish students visited BriteBill. BriteBill is an Irish start up which creates billing solutions for clients. On their visit to the BriteBill office in Grand Canal Dock, 5th class pupils met the CEO and Founder in their Boardroom, saw demonstrations of the product and met with people who work there to find out what it takes to work in a company like BriteBill (February, 2018).

More over, a few visitors have come in to our Junior Infant class to tell us all about their jobs. This has been a great opportunity for the children to hear what it is like to work in different professions and to ask questions about the different jobs.
Visit 1- Doctor
We all really enjoyed this visit as Doctor Laura bought in lots of things that we had a chance to use. We could all pretend we were doctors too!
Visit 2- Human Resource Manager
This visitor told us all about the different people that work in a hospital. He even did a little interview with one of our pupils.
Visit 3- Barrister
We all got to put on our thinking caps and decide what a judge might decide after hearing a barrister’s statements.
Here you have some photographs (April, 2018).